Sleep: She is finally consistently sleeping through the night, yay!! She sometimes wakes up around 4 or 5, but I just give her a binkie and she goes back to sleep til about 7:15 when she wakes up to eat. It is so nice to be sleeping through the night!
Food: She started rice cereal and baby food. She eats the rice cereal in the evening and baby food in the afternoon. The first thing she tried was pears, which she didn't seem to like, but since then she has had carrots, apples, and sweet potatoes and all of those have been successes. She is also still nursing, but the schedule of that is changing because of the addition of solids, so one feeding has been dropped! So she eats at: 7:30, 11, 2:30, 6:30 and then I still wake her up around 10:30pm.
She is rolling all over the place and getting up on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth and scooting back. I think we will have a crawler soon!!
She is such a cutie and we love her so much!!
Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz (65%)
Height: 27.4 inches (91%)
She is by far by thinnest baby.
Izzy is such a great big sister and loves to feed her.
The joy of being the third, she just has to take her naps wherever and she does!
She went swimming for the first time. Usually she just sits in her stroller and watches because I can't handle all 3 by myself, but since we had plenty of adults at the Provo Rec Center she got to join in the fun!
Can't believe she is 6 months!!
Her sisters love to make her laugh!
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