Food: She has been eating lots of different types of baby food and rice cereal. She has tried yogurt melts and cheerio puffs a few times, but she wasn't very interested so she hasn't had it much. She likes all fruits and vegetables; there hasn't been a food she won't eat. She seemed to have a hard time eating a different food with each meal, so now she sticks to the same food all day and then gets something different the next day. She is still nursing during the day, she eats when she wakes up around 8 then again at lunch around 12, then 4 and 7 pm before bed. She also gets rice cereal and baby food at 8, 12, and 6.
Travel: She flew with me to Seattle to visit Celeste. She was great on the plane and slept both there and back. She was super easy and just hung out in the stroller as we did a lot of sight seeing. Everywhere we went people commented on her and how cute she was. There aren't a lot of people with babies in Seattle, quite the opposite of Utah! We also took a trip to Bryce Canyon. You did an awesome job in the car and we had a fun family trip.
Sleep: She takes 2 naps/day around 10am and then again 1:30 or 2. If one of her naps gets interrupted because of scheduling then she takes a short evening nap. She had a couple week period where she was waking up several times/night and I would go in her room and give her a binkie. It was getting ridiculous and I was so tired in the morning. I started keeping her food the same all day and then I let her cry herself to sleep at night. The first day I did that she slept through the night. It was awesome. She's been sleeping 12 hours/night (7:30pm-7:30am) since then. It's been heavenly.
Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to this past month.
You came with me to a CEU class and loved cuddling with Jen.
You are so easy and sleep wherever.
Your check-up went well. Everything looked healthy. You didn't like the shots though, you were fussy for a couple of days.
I always feel bad because you get woken up from so many naps to go pick your sisters up from various activities.
Just you and me flying to Seattle.
You warmed right up to Celeste and Brandon.
Such a smiley, happy baby!
We just love you to pieces!
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