Saturday, March 23, 2013

4 months

Four months already!  
She loves to smile, she is still such a happy baby!

At her doctor's appointment.  I love those rolls!  She has no idea she is about to get shots, poor thing.  Surprisingly she did quite well.  After she got her shots, she let out two little cries and that was it.  Izzy said, "You're such a big girl, Cambry, you didn't even cry!"

All smiles after her shots!
Height: 24 1/2 inches (60%)
Weight: 14 lbs 15 oz (79%)
Head: 42.5 cm (85%)
Sleeping:  Sleeps anywhere from 6-12 hour stretches.  She still does not sleep through the night consistently, which I would prefer if she had 12 hour stretches every night!  
Places we went:  She took her first road trip to St. George and was a trooper.  On the drive home, she slept the whole way.  We went to Orlando for a week.  I was worried about the 5 hour flight, but she was awesome; didn't make a peep.  She was great while we were at Disney World, just hung out in her carseat.  My dad actually asked if she ever cried?  Her sleeping while we were there was not so great, up every 3-4 hours.  It might have been my paranoia of not wanting her to wake up Izzy so I jumped up every time she made a noise.  The night we got home she slept 12 hours, so that was awesome, maybe she just likes her own bed!
Eating:  She is still just breast fed. I started feeding her on both sides for 15 minutes, before it was just one side.  I thought since she was getting bigger she might need more food, plus I thought it would help her consistently sleep through the night.  I'm not sure that is working.
Learned:  She started rolling over this month and now we can't get her to stop.  As soon as I set her on her back she rolls to her tummy.  She also realized she has a voice and now she won't stop 'talking,'  

Izzy is much more interested in Cambry now that Cambry is more interactive.  It is fun to watch them play together. 

Kathryn came up Friday afternoon and she put Cambry right to sleep.


Rachel Durazzani said...

What a cutie! Crazy that our babies are already four months. And thanks for the nudge. I got two posts done on the blog. Hopefully I'll do better at updating.

Cat and Blake Potter said...

LOVE the picture of her in her carseat, she is so so so beautiful. The picture of her in her diaper is hilarious, like she's showing off her rolls, which is pretty awesome!!