Being a mother has been the greatest blessing in my life. It definitely teaches you so much about sacrifice, humility, unconditional love, charity and JOY. Izzy has brought me so much joy in my life. I love her more than words can describe. I love when she smiles at me, talks, laughs, eats, says PLEASE after she is told no. I am so grateful to have her as my daughter. I love you Izzy!
I love this dress. My mom bought it at a boutique in Bay City.
No luck with getting a smile
Trying to get a mother/daughter picture after church
All she wanted to do was sleep
I also love my mother so much. She is a great example to me. Many people say we look alike, hopefully one day people will say we act like! I hope to be like my mother. She is so caring, selfless, charitable, loving, kind, and thoughtful. She always goes out of her way to make sure her children are happy and taken care of. I remember her waking up with me every morning for seminary. She cooked us breakfast everyday-eggs with cheese, bacon, and biscuits with gravy--Delicious!! She taught me right from wrong, helped me with school work, supported me in activities-tennis, dance, class president, whatever I wanted to do she was there for me. I am so grateful to have such a great example in my life. I hope I can be like her!
I couldn't find a more recent picture. This is when my Mom came out for Izzy's birthday.
Izzy and I went to a wedding reception together so I thought I'd get a few pictures of us dressed up.
She always looks at the camera like "what are you doing?"
I knew things were too quiet, but I assumed Izzy was playing in the silverware drawer in the kitchen, but this is what I found when I walked in. Luckily, I had bought some Magic Eraser sponges and it came right off.
She even colored herself!
So cute Penny! Happy Mother's day!
She is a doll! And I love that dress...I need a girl..LOL
Aww, Izzy looks so dang cute in that little dress! What a sweetheart :)
I hope you had a great Mother's Day! I love Izzy's dress, she is so adorable!
Happy (Late) Mother's Day! You and Izzy both look beautiful!
Happy Mother's Day to one of my favorites!!!!! Love all the pics and you're so right about your mom; she is an AMAZING lady:)
I love the dress, Izzy looks so cute in it. Your mom sure picks cute outfits. You are also a great mom Penny and I'm grateful that you are my grand-child(ren)'s mother. Love you!
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