Sunday, August 23, 2009


I have been such a slacker with updating our blog. With this pregnancy I have had no motivation to do anything! We have had a good summer. I went to New York with my sisters and mom, went to Colorado with Mike, and then to Montana for my grandparent's 70th wedding anniversary. It was great to see my family there. The weather was nice and cool, which I absolutely loved!

Our drive through Yellowstone. The buffalo truly believe they own the road and I guess they do, no one tries to mess with them!
You can't go visit Grandma without playing Skip-bo, her all time favorite game.

Mike and I.

My beautiful mother and I.

At the waterfalls with grandparents.


Jon Selden said...

Such a fun trip - this is Suzette by the way!

Unknown said...

I love the cows in the road. Are those cows? You were so cute when you were pregnant.. now you need to put up pictures of Isabelle!!!