Monday, November 26, 2012

Pics of Cambry

I didn't do a professional photo shoot with Izzy and I wish I had.  Skye Johansen did these pictures of Cambry and I couldn't be happier.  These were taken when she was 5 days old.  
Love this picture of the 2 of us.  Skye must have done some serious editing to get the bags from under my eyes to disappear. 
So precious

Love this little girl!

So happy my mom was in town and got to be in the pictures!

My sister, Celeste, loves this picture because of the box.

One of my favorites.

Can't remember what life was like without her.  Love her so much!!


Joey Rachel Avery & Ansley said...

I LOVE ALL OF THESE!!! Especially the one of her in the carriage:) & I love your last comment; I was so worried that there was no way I could possibly love anyone as much as Avery! She hung the moon for us and then when Ansley came it was AMAZING how that same love you have for your first expands and you love the next just as much!!!! My favorite thing EVER is watching my two girls love each other!!! What a blessing being a parent is; I MISS YOU SO MUCH!

kachers said...

AHH! She's is so CUTE! These pictures are perfect! and you look gorgeous too Penny! OH I'm so glad you posted these - I just want to snuggle her!!